
    Yumed Pharmaceutical Technology Co.,Ltd

  • 0512-65116385

  • info@yumed.com.cn

Corporate culture

Devote oneself to research and serve wholeheartedly

To practice steadfastly and achieve great success

Always maintain a passion for learning and dare to explore and practice

Persist in reviewing and quickly improve business capabilities

Pragmatic Innovation

Focusing on technological innovation and consolidating the technological foundation

Build a solid foundation and strive to become an industry leader

Professional and efficient

Refine professional skills and standardize the research and development system

Efficient service, continuously creating greater value

Cooperation and win-win situation

Building a shared platform and integrating industry resources

Mutual benefit and win-win situation, creating a "full chain" of services

Corporate Vision

Innovate drug research and production models to become a globally leading one-stop CDMO service platform for small molecule drugs

Corporate Mission

Pragmatic innovation, steady progress, and continuous provision of high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective drug research and development and production services